Tuesday, September 16, 2014

No Regrets

Every time I do any kind of exercise with my husband, he reminds me that no one ever regretted a workout. Sometimes, my sore muscles would beg to differ, but he's absolutely right. It does make me feel better. That being said, I don't like working out. There really isn't any kind of exercise that I find appealing. If given the choice, I would much rather curl up in front of the tv or with a book. But as with most people, the older I get, the more important it is to stay active in order to be healthy. So when Kevin asks me to jump rope with him or go for a walk, I find myself making less excuses than I used to do.
There is a one mile loop in our (very hilly) neighborhood that we usually use as our walking/running route. I still get tired each time I do it, but I'm hoping that in time it will get easier. Well, today, Kevin told me to be ready for a new route. We were all going to pick up Cole from school. Now, preschool is only about a mile from our house, but that 2 mile round trip sounded realllly long in my head. But Kevin has done it many times with Cole and assured me that I could do it. And I did! Cole was so excited for all of us to pick him up and even more excited to make the mile trip back with us. Seeing his enthusiasm and having my kids cheer me on to keep going is just about all the motivation I need. I love that in this day and age where childhood obesity is such an epidemic, we are teaching our kids to be active and healthy, and they are loving it! And it doesn't hurt that today I bought a pair of shorts in a size I haven't fit into since college. Now that's really motivation.

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