Tuesday, May 10, 2011

All Boy

To blog or not to blog… that was my question. I actually thought about starting one when I was younger. Friends in college told me that my life was like a soap opera, so when I first heard of this thing called a blog (probably sometime post-college), I thought I would write about my “exciting” single girl life. But between my lack of knowledge on how to actually go about starting a blog, my doubt over whether anyone would read it and my propensity towards more important things (you know, like happy hours), I dropped the idea. It wasn’t until recently that I revisited this topic when I was made aware of the “mom blog” in which I would be given a forum to talk about my favorite topic in the whole world- my son, Cole.
Every day with this kid is a new adventure. He went from newborn snuggly angel to this rough and tumble, 15 month old boy… in what feels like about 5 minutes. So in addition to being able to keep people updated on us, I plan to use this blog for the selfish purpose of remembering all of these stories, memories and moments that I get to experience every day as a first time mom.
I think I’ll use the Saturday before Easter as a jumping off point. When I say that Cole is “all boy,” that is no exaggeration. People have said it from the day he was born. This kid looks like a boy, acts like a boy, and, lately, he gets hurt like a boy. Afternoon family naps are the Tinsley family’s favorite weekend activity, and we decided to settle down for one that day. Sometimes Cole obliges and other times he uses Mommy and Daddy as his own personal jungle gym. We realized quickly that this day he would be doing the latter. Well, as he climbed over me, I thought, there he goes, off the edge of the bed, crashing onto the floor, where he will get right up and laugh like usual. And off the edge he went, crashing onto the floor, but he did not get up and he did not laugh. Instead I heard what no mother ever wants to hear- a scream, followed by a lot of crying. I scooped him up and turned him over to find my little tough guy with a blood-covered eye. Now I am not a squeamish person, but suddenly, when it’s your kid, it is a whole different ball game. The adrenaline pumping, we ran him into the kitchen where we had to play doctor and then we gave each other that knowing look… this is just the first of many, many injuries Cole will sustain in his childhood. No question. He is 100% boy.