Monday, January 23, 2012

Things new for being 2

I didn’t think that it would be that big of a transition for Cole to go from being a 1 year old to a 2 year old. I was wrong. Granted, it isn’t as though these changes came overnight, but in the weeks leading up to turning 2, I have noticed that my baby is quickly turning into a little boy and there are plenty of changes (both good and bad) that go along with that.
  1. The attitude. Of course I had heard of the terrible twos, but I didn’t know how it would be possible for my sweet, agreeable son to suddenly become “terrible” just because he was turning 2. But it has happened. For the most part, he is still a good kid. But he has learned how to talk back and he can get pretty feisty.  His favorite word is no, and he likes to throw hot dogs at me (among other things).
  2. Mommy’s boy. Up until now, Cole has been somewhat of a Daddy’s boy. I don’t question his love or affection for me, but it was obvious who he favored. But for some reason in the past few weeks, it’s Mommy this and Mommy that, and I’ve been getting a lot more love. No complaints from me, of course. I figured it had something to do with his sense of the pregnancy. Found out from the doctor that 2 is the Oedipal age. No comment on that one.
  3. Potty? This one started right after Christmas. Cole started asking to go to the potty. At first, I was really excited. I never thought that he would be ready to potty train this early. Then I realized that he was only asking after he had already gone in his diaper. Not so exciting. We are trying not to discourage him. So far, I am sticking to that. We’ll see how long it lasts.
  4. Mr. Independent. Suddenly, Cole doesn’t want/need my help with anything. Time to put on his shoes. He says, “I do it.” Can Mommy carry you downstairs? No, I do it. Next thing I know, he’ll be getting his license and driving off to college. Where he’ll probably want to carry his own books to class.

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