It’s been a few years since I was last pregnant, but I feel like I remember most things. The kicking and feeling the baby move. The sensitivity to smell and wanting to eat everything in sight. What I did forget is how being pregnant somehow opens you up to everyone’s opinions, questions, and comments. And I don’t just mean your family and friends who get on you about how much weight you’re gaining or what you’re eating. Or ask what you plan to do about daycare or what you are going to name the baby. For some reason, when people see a pregnant woman, even if she is a complete stranger, they lose any filter that they may have. Here are just a few examples of things that have been said to me.
1- A male student at my school: “I guess you’re almost ready to take a nice, long vacation, huh?” (As he points to his own stomach). Yes, buddy. Labor, delivery and a newborn are definitely equivalent to sitting on the beach with a cocktail in hand. You got me there.
2- Several people who are apparently parenting experts: “How are you going to have 2 kids in one room?” This is usually said with a frown or skeptical look on the doubter’s face. Sure, having 2 young kids in the same room isn’t completely ideal, but that is our situation for now, and unless one of these naysayers would like to buy us a house, then I’d prefer these opinions to be kept quiet. A special thanks to a friend who is in a similar situation and made me realize that it can work and even work really well and bring the kids closer!
3- Someone new everyday- “You got bigger!” Ask any pregnant woman if she wants to be told on a daily basis how big she is. I can pretty much guarantee the answer will be no 100% of the time. Enough said.
4- A drunk girl at a wedding over the weekend when I told her how far along I am: “Shut the f*** up!” I just didn’t know what to say to that one.
5- People who ask what we’re naming the baby and are told that we are keeping the name a secret: “What’s the point of that?” When we decided to find out the gender of this baby, I wanted something to still be a secret, so we chose not to share the name. I don’t understand the big deal, but some people actually seem offended. They just have to deal with it. Everyone will know soon enough.
6- Again, someone new everyday: “You didn’t have that baby yet?” Yes, actually, I did. She is here sitting under my desk. I’m just that good.